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Benefits of Using Low Flow Showerheads:
- Save Water (Lower water bill means more money in your pocket)
- Helps the Environment (The amount of usable clean water is shortening everyday, the less water you use the more available you’ll have)
- Lowers Your Energy Bill (It takes energy to warm up the hot water so the less water coming out means less energy used to heat it which saves you money)
- Melts Away Stress (You can set the water to come out in a massage like stream which is perfect for those days you need to relax)
Similar to other earth low flow showerheads, this one comes in a chrome finish. You also get the benefits of a refreshing shower and a lower water bill at the end of the month.
This showerhead uses 1.5 GPM (Gallons Per Minute) so once you install it the savings start flowing right out.
These showerheads also have a built in massage feature so you’ll enjoy one of the best showers you’ve ever had especially for those hard to wake up early mornings.
N2915ch AMC
How to replace a showerhead
Items you will need:
- Adjustable Wrench
- Slip-joint
- New Showerhead
- Teflon Tape
- Electrical Tape
1. Detach the old showerhead
a. Turn the current showerhead counter-clock wise with your hand to remove it.
i.If completed, go to step two.
b. If not, locate your slip-joint pliers and wrap its lips with electrical tape (or a hand towel around the arm of the shower to protect the color/finish from damage). This step is to get a better grip.
c. Grip the arm of the shower with the pliers.
d. Locate your adjustable wrench and begin to slacken and unscrew the old showerhead.
e. Dust off any rust or mineral deposits from prior showerhead.
2. Wrap the threads
a. Wrap Teflon tape around the threads or the arm of the shower two to three times (for security) in a clockwise direction.
3. Installing a new showerhead
a. Screw the replacement showerhead in a clockwise motion tightly onto the shower arm
b. Turn on your shower faucet and review your new showerhead for any inconsistencies or leaks.
c. If there are any leaks, re-wrap the area with more Teflon tape and re-tighten with an adjustable wrench until leaks stop.
– Flow control technology: greater force at low pressure
– Conserves water and saves money while enhancing pressure, performance, appearance and luxury!
– Patented 2-flow Soap + Soak™ valve for maximum water savings
-1.5 GPM Soak and 1.0 Soap modes available-ask us
– 9-jet turbo massage is adjustable: gentle needle spray to forceful jet
– Consistent flow rate regardless of water pressure
– Saves 40% more water and energy then a standard 2.5 GPM showerhead – that’s 7,300 gallons of water annually!
– Non-removable flow compensator
– Non-aerating spray means less temperature loss with maximum energy savings
– Self-cleaning and maintenance-free
– Installs easily, by hand and without tools
– Corrosion-resistant, high-impact ABS thermoplastic body
– Meets or exceeds ANSI specifications
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