32 oz. (Quart) Neptune’s Harvest Hydrolyzed Fish Natural Organic Liquid Fertilizer



Organic fish fertilizer is the way to go to baby your plants and get consistent growth. Good for most home and garden plants. See our video here.

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Neptune’s Harvest Hydrolyzed Fish Natural Organic Liquid Fertilizer 2-4-1 is an organic fertilizer made from fresh North Atlantic fish.

Made by a unique cold process that protects the vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and growth hormones. One of the best alternative to traditional fertilizers.

Helpful to the Soil 

Also contains all the micro and macro nutrients naturally found in fish. The nitrogen and other nutrients are chelated, so they are readily available for plants’ consumption.

Unlike fish emulsions, Neptune’s Harvest retains the fish proteins and oils and has no unpleasant odor. Outperforms  with ease chemical fertilizers.

What is fish fertilizer good for?
As fish fertilizer improves soil health, it also increases soil fertility by providing the primary nutrients necessary for plants to thrive. Fish fertilizers offer a source of burn-free nitrogen, along with the other primary nutrients of phosphorus and potassium. Unlike traditional fish fertilizers this, is good for all types of plants. 


How often should I use fish fertilizer?
Use a weak solution of 1 teaspoon per gallon when transplanting seedlings or bedding plants into the garden. Apply diluted fish emulsion to outdoor plants, including container plants, every three to four weeks throughout the growing season — generally from spring to late summer or early autumn.

Need healthier soil? Try our Soil Moist Granules. 


Neptune’s Harvest Naural Fertilizer

Organic vs Artificial Fertilizer

Healthy for your plants, trees, or anything else in your garden. (Traditional fertilizer has chemicals that can actually damage your garden)
Healthy for you. (Regular fertilizers have tons of chemicals that can lead to all kinds of health problems)
Safe to use around animals (Normal fertilizers leave chemicals which may cause harm to animals)
Lasts longer, which saves you money (More money in your pocket)
Produces better results for your garden. (Bigger trees, plants, fruits, etc)
Made naturally from seaweed (As opposed to processed with lots of harmful chemicals or through warehouses that pollute the air)
Helps The Environment (Less toxic chemicals sink into the earth)

Wondering about the benefits of Fish Fertilizer? 


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How to use organic liquid fertilizer in your home

How to apply liquid organic fertilizer to your garden or lawn?

Supplies Needed:

  • Neptune’s Harvest Fish & Seaweed Natural Organic Liquid Fertilizer
  • Nozzle
  • Water supply
  • Spray bottle

Step 1: Find a spray bottle big enough to comfortably hold the amount of Neptune’s Harvest Fish & Seaweed Natural Organic Liquid Fertilizer purchased. Connect a hose and nozzle to the spray bottle.

Step 2: Locate the gear to control the flow of the water on the hose, and then turn it on until a medium flow is obtained. Then spray your lawn and/or garden with the nozzle on your spray bottle. The combination of water and the organic liquid fertilizer is diluted to a suitable amount for the area of interest of your home. How to apply liquid organic fertilizer to your household plants or potted plants?

Supplies Needed 

  • Fertilizer
  • Water can/bucket
  • Water supply

Step 1: Get a bucket or watering can and mix water and the Neptune’s Harvest Fish & Seaweed Natural Organic Liquid Fertilizer together. Use directions on the product for accurate measurements.
Step 2: Apply the fertilizer to your household plants or potted plants at the rate recommended on the package.
Step 3: Once completed, wash out your container and store the item for its next use.

Since it is 100% organic, the fertilizer won’t burn plants or roots!
In addition to N-P-K, this fertilizer also provides vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, and growth hormones necessary for optimum plant growth
Works as an outstanding compost enhancer by building the micro organisms (reported to generate compost in half the time!)
Blooms are more plentiful and longer lasting on flowering plants; fruits, vegetables, and herbs taste better

No offensive odor



If you are ever in central Florida(metro Orlando) we welcome your pickup of the product near our facility! Please give us a call at 407.898.2284 or shoot us an email at info@conservastore.com/conservastore