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Sav-Eco is the Conserv-A-Store brand of Water and Energy Saving and Green Gardening Kits
Are you single and live in an apartment or condo and have interest in saving water? This kit is for you.
Sav-Eco Introductory Water Conservation Kit White has what is needed to start saving water today – It’s EASY!!
The kit includes:
– 1pc 1.5 GPM{gallon per minute} shower head in chrome
– 2pcs 1.0 GPM Aerator{only 1pc is pictured)-1 for your kitchen and 1 for your bath faucet
– 1pc Keep the Planet Green reusable bag–use this to go to the market without the need for paper or plastic
Are you a Condo Complex Director or Apartment Complex Owner or Manager and want a bunch of these?-Please buzz us and we will give you a bulk program price-We will gladly adjust the items included at your suggestion.
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