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Natural Drain Cleaner Liquid


A natural drain cleaner for household drains that uses a bioenzymatic formulation that attacks organic deposits in drains and improves drain flow in an environmentally sound manner.


A liquid concentrate of four specially selected multi-cultured bacteria strains combined with free enzymes.

This product is designed to remove the build-up on the sides of pipe and allow the pipe lines to flow freely.

Black Swan’s HEAVY DUTY LIQUID BUILD-UP REMOVER has a bacterial count of over 200 billion per gallon.


As drains are used on a daily basis, a layer of grease, hair, soap scum
and other materials build up on the walls of your drain pipes.

After awhile, this build-up causes the drains to run sluggishly. While
regular drain pipe openers remove clogs, they pass over this build-up.

LIQUID BUILD-UP REMOVER attacks they build-up by releasing massive
quantities of bacteria and natural enzymes. These bacteria liquefy,
eat, digest and remove the build-up.

Build-up removers work at a slower pace than regular drain openers.
Regular drain openers “burn” their way through the blockages and are

The bacteria products live in the piping systems and slowly do their job.

The four bacteria in LIQUID BUILD-UP REMOVER have been specifically chosen for this drain cleaning activity.

One strain of bacteria is for digesting protein, one for digesting
starch, the next for digesting cellulose and the last for digesting fat,
oil and grease.

These four bacteria combined with the enzymes, which speeds up the process makes for an outstanding product.

Size – 1 Quart


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